CT Licensed Arborist S-4432 Arboricultural Business Licensed B-1807
CT Licensed Arborist S-4432 Arboricultural Business Licensed B-1807
Plant Health Care (PHC) begins with the concept if you tend to a plant properly, then you can prevent the plant from undergoing stress by allowing the plant to thrive in the proper location, with adequate sunlight, soil, moisture, and protection from pests.
All plants have their own immune system. This immune system enables a plant to resist the attacks of insects and diseases. The effectiveness of this system is totally dependent upon the relative health of the tree or shrub; therefore, healthy plants generally have less trouble with pests than plants growing in stressful environments.
Establishing the conditions for best health is the primary goal of Plant Health Care. Bob's Tree Service wants to be your tree care professional. We can start a program with an examination of the basic growing conditions on your property. Working with the homeowner, we will create a PHC Program customized to the specific needs of your property, from one tree or shrub to an entire landscape; the approach is the same.
The next step is for an arborist to begin the process of monitoring your property.
Monitoring is the focal point of a PHC program. This may entail four to eight property inspections per season. PHC specialists assess the properties so that treatments are applied only when necessary and timed to the period of greatest effectiveness.
A PHC program offers a wide range of solutions to tree or shrub problems. They include pruning for health maintenance, practices such as soil aeration, mulching, and fertilization, thinning if overcrowding is a problem, cabling & bracing. Environmental sensitivity is the most significant attribute. PHC focuses on maintaining healthy plants, which stimulates their natural Immune systems. This in itself generally serves to suppress pests. If, however, pests do become a problem, a Bob's Tree Service PHC Program utilizes a wide variety of environmentally sensitive treatment strategies to help maintain a natural balance. From spot spraying to horticultural oil treatments to soil injections for systemic insect control as well as microinjection and macro infusion, the basic idea is to correct problems before a landscape suffers irreparable loss. Routine blanket chemical sprays for eradication of Insects will not be needed if a problem is spotted in the early stage. Research now tells us that not all insects are harmful; indeed, many are actually beneficial.
Ensure the long-term well-being of your trees with our plant health care services. Connect with Bob's Tree Service at (203) 262-8723 to nurture your trees back to health.
CT Licensed Arborist S-4432 Arboricultural Business Licensed B-1807